Organizational Constellation workshops

We provide in company workshops organizational constellations. This is custom, since it is always tailored with your specific goal in mind. Moreover, we also look at how much time is available and how many people are present. We can work with small and with large groups. Depending on the question and the time available we adapt our workshop. We also have open workshops organizational constellations, where together with other people from different organizations you can investigate your individual organization and / or career dilemmas.

Incompany workshops organisational constellations

We do this mostly as part of a management sessions, a team day or a leadership program. Furthermore, we also help with talent development, sales, acquisitions and mergers. To really do what is needed and to achieve the desired results we sometimes leave the confines of organizational constellations and apply our broad knowledge and expertise to work for the agreed purpose. For this we work closely with Boer & Croon. 
Systemic work in organizations is about how we can get maximum potential out towards our target audience. How do we get the right “alignment” between individual values, organizational values and ways of doing that bring win/win/win results.


Depending on whether we work in the profit or non-profit sector and the number of participants and the experience of the constellator our rates vary. We can offer you a free tender offer.

Open workshops organisational constellations

If you have a question about your organization and you would like to investigate it you can also come to one of our open workshops, together with various other (anonymous) people from many different organizations.


13:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs,



A workshop in which you bring in a question costs: € 95. Representant: € 45.


The open workshops are provided by Hylke Bonnema regularly at his office in Heiloo: at the kennemerstraatweg 464. Close by the train station, with parking. Easily accessible by train from across the country. Both from Amsterdam, but also from The Hague. Take, for example, the IC from Nijmegen, Utrecht and Amsterdam to Den Helder, from Amsterdam CS it is still over half an hour. Get out, walk through the stationsweg and go to the right. You can see the building on the other side of the road.

For reservations or questions please call +31 (0)6 40249042 or use the Contact Form.

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