Year training

A soul journey in the context of learning constellations. We are learning family and organizational constellations by exploring our own field first. By becoming aware of our own system we learn how to use our systemic consciousness. We develop our instrument. We develop clear perception. From the start there will be much practice, including peer review meetings in addition to the training itself. Theory and methodology is discussed in each related block.

Why doing a year training with us?

There are several courses in systemic work in the Netherlands. Besides that there are many similarities the focus of our training, rather than learning the skills, is that we emphasis the transfer of consciousness that uses the method. You learn to become a constellator by making the journey yourself, not by studying the map of others. In this way the emphasis is more on your own strength and perception than on learning the method. This keeps us close to Bert Hellinger, with whom we feel closely connected. He also always followed his own idiosyncratic path from which this work originated.

Other differences are the broad focus on the work field, We do everything that you can do with constellation. In addition, there is a real incentive to start doing constellations yourself right from the beginning. This hands-on experience is needed to integrate the skill. Moreover, you learn the most of your so-called mistakes. Genuine mistakes do not exist, however, since who are we that we think we might mess up the system.


To give you an idea of the different themes that are treated in the different blocks:

(note that themes may not exactly follow the order that is provided here, since we follow the group process in its learning. These are, however, the various topics that are dealt with.)

Block 1. Basic phenomenological stance, traditional family constellations, the basic principles of systemic work, exercises in opening the field, stay with yourself, simplicity to use. The weekend is also a introduction weekend with the structure of the program itself, with the place and of course with each other. We also immediately start with deep self-examination and transformation.

Block 2. Individual constellations, genogram, different ways of doing individual constellations. This block deals with individual issues in therapy, coaching, supervision and consulting. This is an easier form for all to start working with clients.

Block 3. Structure of individual setups and the follow-ups, and trauma configurations, arrangements for sickness. By now you have practiced a bit with arrangements, where it is not so much about doing well, but inside them and feel the tension handle, do not stand out, moments of impasse, entanglement and other unforeseen issues.

Block 4. Couple constellations, relations and constellations, mediation constellations, conflict resolutie and mediation constellations.

Block 5. Organization constellations, carreer constellations, team constellations, sales and marketing constellations, assesment questions, working with organizations in general.

Block 6. Political constellations, organisation constellations continued, broad social themes.

Block 7. Closure of the traning. Doing constellations together. Evaluate the training and celebrate.


from wednesday 12:00 until friday 12:00.


For the upcoming year training look at the general calendar on (dutch) calender


We organize this year training in a beautiful and luxurous group accommodation: ‘De Bietenhaven’
, Noordschermerdijk 7
1, 842 EL Oterleek (bij Alkmaar). Phone
: 072 57 25 083
. For more info please check:


The year training will be provided by Hylke Bonnema.


For individuals: 2450,- € (and zzp-ers) excl btw
. For organisations:  3995,- € excl btw. Accomodations costs 1850 €, incl btw.

Cheaper accomodation rates are possible, if you stay with several persons on a chamber. For a double 1400 € and € for more than 2 persons in a room.

Bank account: 1118.21.150, Jahnu Opleidingen, Amsterdam. Please do not forget to register your name and the start date of the course (2011). For commencement of the training the course fee must have been satisfied.


If you cancel before the start of the course you’ll recover almost everything except 100 € administration costs. After the start of the course no more refund is possible.

For reservations or questions please call +31 (0)6 81797747 or use the Contact Form.


The Hidden Dynamics of Family Constellations by Bert Hellinger. We expect you to have read this book before the course starts.

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